Monday, November 26, 2007


Oh, I am going to add this to my last entry quickly since it's relative:

I have never had so many caucasian people recognize the asian in me as I have here. Well, I could be looking more like a Chan, as faces do change over time. But I don't think it's that. I will react with suprise when they ask because if someone asks at home, it's almost always someone who is either asian or eurasian or is married to one. Kind of like you have to be one to know one. When I react in such a way, they laugh and say it's obvious "evidement!" they say. My conclusion- at home, everyone is a mix of something so we're used to seeing all sorts of faces. Here, blood has not been "tainted"- not a good word, I know. So someone with "exotic" features stands out. Ha! I'm exotic. Who knew?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny, how cultures in other countries can be tres different?